The math camps are prepared by the combined effortss of SAMI and different affircan universities. This camps take place in Kenya, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Uganda.Between July and December. For more information about the camp and activities checkout the activities section and also this site If you wan to hlep you can.
The math camp has been going on for the last few years now. It is a 1-2 week program that exposses highschool students to different amazing concepts some of which won’t be tought untill PHD. The aim is to inspire the students with out the technical knoledge. In the Camp there are lots of fun activities on top of htis sesssions like puzzle games, card games and so much more...
Going Onlnie in 2020!
We are now joining efforts across Africa and internationally to create a virtual maths camp experience, a collection of events and resources across different countries, platforms and delivery mechanisms with the potential to have long lasting impact. We want to turn the challenges presented by the current COVID19 pandemic into opportunities, and continue to provide a maths camp experience for students, teachers, and facilitators from across the globe - in a new, dynamic, partially virtual and fully international environment.
In collaberation with...